The Beginning

Many says, life is beautiful, because it is so short.

As all of us know, dog lives are short, way shorter than a human’s. Yet they are supposed to be our best friends. Or maybe we are supposed to be theirs. The latter seems more fitting to me, as we are the one who takes them in. Most times, we choose them, not the other way round. 

And so with the fragility of dog (and human) lives in mind, I thought I would record the journey of life of my treasured babies. Precious moments, not so precious moments, and everything in between, until the Man upstairs sees fit to send them to Rainbow Bridge to everlasting treats and happiness. Or maybe I will go first. However it goes, I hope whoever gets called first will be able to wait for the other, as eternity will be too, too long to pass without my dogs. I do hope they feel the same way too.

And so the pages turn…

November 26, 2008. Tags: , , , . Dogs. Leave a comment.